Product Design
The goal of this design was to appeal as a gender neutral toy package. I suppose when you think of dinosaurs that you see in stores, they are typically marketed towards boys. I wanted color to play a big role in appealing to both boys and girls but utilizing bright colors, such as pink and green to mix “masculine” and “feminine” colors together. I also wanted the dinosaurs to be a mix of masculine and feminine designs to show there is something for everyone in this design.
There was a lot of market research completed before designing began on this project. I researched the psychology behind toys and their marketing and what children really want in a toy. I also did field research in stores to see how toys are split up in two sections for boys and girls, with educational toys often times being a separator between the two sections. I learned a lot on why things are the way they are, but also a trend in people and businesses going more towards a gender neutral route in the future.
With the packaging design of the Dino City set I knew I wanted it to be reusable. Sustainability is a big thing, and I think utilizing resources again is important. I designed a cylinder package, that functions as a toy box for the toys inside.
When you purchase the set, these stickers are inside as an added incentive.
Mini Dino Book that comes inside the packaging as well, to educate children on the dinosaurs inside.
The product website design that talks about the Dino City, has interactive learning features for children, and shows places to order the product.
Full design of the wrapped packaging.
Each dinosaur has their own personality from hyper to shy, they are designs to appeal to a wider audience of children based on their color and personality.